Student Affairs
"I Am First" Program

Purpose: To support the "I Am First" Certificate Program to equip first-generation college students with the confidence, self-awareness, and career readiness knowledge to jumpstart into a successful journey towards achieving career and leadership development

CSUF Fund ID: 95311
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Student Affairs
"I Am First" Program Distribution

CSUF Fund ID: 95341
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
(SWANA) South West Asian North African

Purpose: To support a grad student assistant or other coordinator support for the SWANA program in the Asian Pacific American Resource Center (APARC)

CSUF Fund ID: 95085
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
A. James Diefenderfer Memorial Scholarship Endowment

To provide awards to women and minorities with a declared major in naturalscience and mathematics.

CSUF Fund ID: 70010
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
A. James Diefenderfer Memorial Scholarship Endowment Distribution Account

To provide awards to women and minorities with a declared major in naturalscience and mathematics

CSUF Fund ID: 70040
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Abled Advocators

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4836
Give to this Fund
Aboorva & Prabakar Scholarship

To provide an annual scholarship to CSUF students who are immigrant, international, or undocumented students and are unable to access federal financial aid, grants, and/or employment due to their current visa or immigration status.

CSUF Fund ID: 96541
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Abrego Future Scholars Program

For the use of the Abrego Future Scholars program at the discretion of the authorized account signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 97502
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Abrego Scholarship Endowment Campaign Events

For the use at the discretion of the authorized account signers for all events associated with the Dr. Silas H. Abrego Scholarship Endowment Event.

CSUF Fund ID: 95080
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Acacia Group

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4636
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Accounting Advisory Fund

For use by the Accounting Department at the discretion of theauthorized account signers - for gifts of less than $100.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10303
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Accounting Alumni Fund

For external Accounting Department related programs and internalAccounting Department costs at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners. Incoming funds will be from Accounting alumni who designate thisaccount. The CSUF Alumni Association will work with the Department ofAccounting to differentiate funds deposited to this account versus an AlumniAccounting chapter account. incoming funds will be from Accounting alumni anddonors who designate this account as Accounting Alumni or Accounting

CSUF Fund ID: 10304
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Accounting Department Scholarship Fund

Scholarship fund for general accounting department scholarships.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10341
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Accounting Professional Development Account

For departmental and professional development expenses incurred by theAccounting Department at the discretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10300
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Student Affairs
Accounting Society

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z132690
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
ACM Siggraph


CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z348878
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Active Minds

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4506
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University Programs
Addressing the Achievement Gap

CSUF Fund ID: 92062
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Adopt-A-Titan Scholarship

To provide campus-wide scholarship benefiting students with economic challenges in obtaining a degree

CSUF Fund ID: 93640
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Adopt-a-Titan Scholarship Endowment

CSUF Fund ID: 93610
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Adult Re-Entry Scholarship

Funds provide for adult re-entry scholarships

CSUF Fund ID: 93341
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Student Affairs
Adult Reentry Scholarship

CSUF Fund ID: 95146
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Student Affairs
Adults Who Are Returning to Education

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z135684
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Advancing in STEM Scholarship

This scholarship is open to juniors who are pursuing an undergraduate degree inthe Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry Department and plan on applying to graduate ormedical school the semester after the scholarship is awarded.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 70154
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Student Affairs
Advertising Club

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z132962
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College of Communications
Advertising Internship Scholarship

To support advertising students previously or currently enrolled in and unpaidinternship through a advertising 495T class.

CSUF Fund ID: 60208
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
AFAM Vision for the Future Endowment Fund

To support special projects within AFAM including but not limited to facultyand student research/travel, stipends, honorariums, visiting scholars,conferences, symposiums, special events.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 37010
Give to this Fund
African American Scholars

Scholarships Only

CSUF Fund ID: 96542
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
African American Studies Department Fund

For use by the African American Studies Department at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 37000
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
African American Studies Scholarship Fund

To recognize students majoring in African American Studies (AFAM) who excel inservice to the AFAM Dept., University and broader community, and who arecommitted to social justice. The scholarship is intended to assist with thecontinuing education expenses for such students. The annual distributions fromthe endowment will be managed by the Dept. Chair of AFAM. The scholarshipwill be awarded in the Spring semester.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 37041
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
African American Studies Service Scholarship Endowment

To recognize students majoring in African American Studies (AFAM) who excel inservice to the AFAM Dept., University and broader community, and who arecommitted to social justice. The scholarship is intended to assist with thecontinuing education expenses for such students. The annual distributions fromthe endowment will be managed by the Dept. Chair of AFAM. The scholarshipwill be awarded in the Spring semester.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 37011
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
African American Studies Vision for the Future Fund

To support special projects within AFAM including but not limited tofaculty and student research/travel, stipends, honorariums, visiting scholars,conferences, symposiums, special events.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 37080
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
African American Women in Psychology

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4244
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
African Americans in Science Club - CSUF

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4258
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University Programs
African-American Faculty/Staff Association Scholarship Account

Funds provide scholarships

CSUF Fund ID: 93040
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Student Affairs
Afro Ethnic Student

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4410
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College of The Arts
Al Keller Scholarship Endowment

To provide a scholarship to an undergraduate or graduate student majoring inthe Department of Theatre & Dance.

CSUF Fund ID: 40514
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College of The Arts
Al Keller Scholarship Endowment-Distribution Account

To provide a scholarship to an undergraduate or graduate student majoring inthe Department of Theatre & Dance.

CSUF Fund ID: 40544
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College of The Arts
Alan A Mannason Scholarship in Composition Endowment

To support a perpetual scholarship in Composition for students in the School ofMusic.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 40131
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Alan Salzstein Scholarship

This fund provides scholarships to outstanding Masters in Public Administrationstudents.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 30242
Give to this Fund
College of The Arts
Alan Stang Scholarship Endowment

The proceeds will be used to support the School of Music for the Alan V Stang, PhD Endowed Scholarship for Instrumental Wind Conducting Funding Priority.

CSUF Fund ID: 40023
Give to this Fund
College of The Arts
Alan Stang Scholarship Endowment Distribution

CSUF Fund ID: 40056
Give to this Fund
College of The Arts
Alberta Lambert Tribute Fund Endowment Scholarship Distribution Account

To provide visual art scholarships for full and part-time students.

CSUF Fund ID: 40446
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College of The Arts
Alberta Lambert Tribute Fund Endowment Scholarships

To provide visual art scholarships for full and part-time students.

CSUF Fund ID: 40416
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Student Affairs
Alcohol Education Programs

Funds provide alcohol education and services for students of Cal State Fullerton

CSUF Fund ID: 95066
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College of Communications
Alfred and Louise Hewitt Memorial Scholarship Quasi Endowment

Scholarship open to Communications majors who will be juniors or seniors withat least one semester enrollment remaining at Cal State Fullerton and who planto seek a career in journalism, broadcast journalism, graphics, publicrelations or photography.

CSUF Fund ID: 60118
Give to this Fund
College of Communications
Alfred and Louise Hewitt Memorial Scholarship Quasi Endowment Distribution Account

Scholarship open to Communications majors who will be juniors or seniors withat least one semester enrollment remaining at Cal State Fullerton and who planto seek a career in journalism, broadcast journalism, graphics, publicrelations or photography. Applicants must show financial need and possess aminimum 2.75 grade point average.

CSUF Fund ID: 60148
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College of The Arts
Alicia de Larrocha Scholarship Distribution Account

To provide scholarships for piano majors at CSUF.

CSUF Fund ID: 40154
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College of The Arts
Alicia de Larrocha Scholarship Endowment

To provide scholarships for piano majors at CSUF.

CSUF Fund ID: 40124
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Student Affairs
Alliance of Students for an Equal Education - CSUF

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4245
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Student Affairs
Allied Health Std Associated

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4123
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College of The Arts
Alpha Beta Mock

Alpha Beta Mock is a social group of Theatre & Dance alumni who have agreed tomake an annual gift to this fund so that an annual Alpha Beta Mock Scholarshipcan be presented.

CSUF Fund ID: 40554
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Student Affairs
Alpha Kappa Delta

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4923
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Student Affairs
Alpha Kappa Psi

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4286
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Student Affairs
Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4774
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Student Affairs
Alpha Psi Lambda National Inc.

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-5004
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College of Business and Economics
Alteryx Scholars Scholarships

CSUF Fund ID: 10253
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University Programs
Alumni & Family Weekend

CSUF Fund ID: 90102
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University Programs
Alumni Association

For discretionary use to support alumni activities and programs

CSUF Fund ID: 90100
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University Programs
Alumni Association - Scoreboard

CSUF Fund ID: 090100-SB
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University Programs
Alumni Engagement Discretionary

CSUF Fund ID: 91106
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Special Funds
Alumni Membership


CSUF Fund ID: 90104
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University Programs
Alumni Philanthropy

CSUF Fund ID: 90110
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Alumni Philosophy Symposium Fund

To be used for expenses related to the annual Philosophy Symposium at the discretion of the authorized account signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 38060
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Student Affairs
American Assembly for Men in Nursing

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4623
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Student Affairs
American Marketing Association


CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z132818
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Student Affairs
American Marketing Association CSUF

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4615
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Student Affairs
American Medical Students Association

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4157
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
American Studies Department

For use by the American Studies Department at the discretion of the authorizedaccount signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 30600
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
American Studies Faculty Transnational History Research and Travel Award

To fund American Studies faculty members pursuing research and travel in thearea of transnational historical research.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 30601
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
American Studies Graduate Scholarship for Careers in Education

This scholarship is open to a graduate student in American Studies who intends to pursue a career in the field of education (teaching at any level, academic advising/counseling, educational administration, etc.). Applicants must have completed a minimum of 12 units in the American Studies Graduate program, hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and must have an interest to become a future educator, counselor or administrator. Previous scholarship recipients cannot reapply.

CSUF Fund ID: 30647
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
American Studies Outstanding Reentry Student Award

To provide annual $500 award to an American Studies major who is a graduatingsenior and reentry student.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 30643
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
American Studies Scholarships

For general American Studies scholarship monies which have not been designatedto any other established scholarship accounts.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 30644
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College of Business and Economics
Amy Vanasse Endowment

To provide a scholarship to outstanding students.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10310
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College of Business and Economics
Amy Vanasse Endowment Distribution Account

To provide a scholarship to outstanding students.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10340
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Anderson Family Baseball Endowment Fund

Earnings from this endowment provide funds for the Baseball Program

CSUF Fund ID: 90917
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Anderson Family Softball Endowment Fund

Earnings from this endowment provide funds for the Softball Program.

CSUF Fund ID: 90921
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College of Communications
Anderson Research Center

For use by the Anderson Research Center at the discretion of the authorizedaccount signers (Human Communications Library)

CSUF Fund ID: 60201
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College of Health & Human Development
Andy Paulin Endowment Athletic Training Scholarship

Scholarship for Athletic Training Program Students

CSUF Fund ID: 80114
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College of Health & Human Development
Andy Paulin Endowment Athletic Training Scholarship-080154

Scholarship for Athletic Training Program Students

CSUF Fund ID: 80154
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College of Health & Human Development
ANIMO Latinx Emphasis

Funds to be used in support of the ANIMO Latinx Emphasis in the Department ofCounseling.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 80089
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Student Affairs
Ann and Fred Gayton Scholarship Endowment

To support scholarships for historically underrepresented students pursuing an undergraduate degree in STEM.

CSUF Fund ID: 90212
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College of The Arts
Anne Ludmila Kruzic Music Scholarship Endowment

Pursuant to the endowment agreement, to provide scholarships for studentspursuing an undergraduate degree in Music

CSUF Fund ID: 40121
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College of The Arts
Anne Ludmila Kruzic Music Scholarship Endowment- Distribution Account

To provide a scholarship for a student studying a string instrument.

CSUF Fund ID: 40251
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College of Education
Anne Ludmila Kruzic Teaching Scholarship Dist

CSUF Fund ID: 85053
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University Programs
Annual Alumni Events

CSUF Fund ID: 90103
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College of Business and Economics
Annual College of Business and Economics Class Gift

To collect donated funds from the graduating College of Business andEconomics class each year and purchase the gift(s) for the University decidedupon by that graduating class.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10062
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Anthropology Building Fund

To provide funds for the anthropology building and facilities at the discretionof the authorized account signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 30860
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Anthropology Curation Fund

To provide safe and secure storage for collections.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 30861
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Anthropology Student Association


CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z135971
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Anthropology Teaching Museum Discretionary Account

To be used for supplies and expenses related to the setup of museum displays inthe Anthropology Teaching Museum as part of the Museum Class.

CSUF Fund ID: 30862
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College of Communications
Antoina Maria Paula Bapat-Zaat Award

Award for Communication Theory in Process students; need and merit based, forthose considering and/or already involved in giving back to the community.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 60253
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College of Business and Economics
Apics/White/Berger/Guertin Endowment

To provide scholarship award to current and/or graduating CBE students whoare studying Operations and Supply Chain Management and have demonstratedoutstanding academic performance.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10014
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Apics/White/Berger/Guertin Scholarship

To provide scholarship award to current and/or graduating CBE students whoare studying Operations and Supply Chain Management and have demonstratedoutstanding academic performance.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10044
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Aquatic Center

To provide unrestricted funds for pool operations, equipment and maintenance.

CSUF Fund ID: 96985
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Arana Family Scholarship

To provide scholarship support to undergraduate students at CSUF majoring inthe Spanish language program within the Dept of Modern Languages & Literature.Special consideration given to individuals meeting the following criteria: 3.0or greater GPA, 1st generation students, Spanish majors (freshman or sophomoreyear), demonstrated financial need. Special consideration given to seniorunder-grad student planning to pursue a Spanish graduate degree

CSUF Fund ID: 39048
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Arana Family Scholarship Endowment

To provide scholarship support to undergraduate students at CSUF majoring inthe Spanish language program within the Dept of Modern Languages & Literature.Special consideration given to individuals meeting the following criteria: 3.0or greater GPA, 1st generation students, Spanish majors (freshman or sophomoreyear), demonstrated financial need. Special consideration given to seniorunder-grad student planning to pursue a Spanish graduate degree

CSUF Fund ID: 39018
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Arboretum and Botanical Garden at Cal State Fullerton

For discretionary use by the Fullerton Arboretum

CSUF Fund ID: 97300
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Arboretum Sign Enhancement Campaign

This fund will support enhancing the signs throughout the Arboretum. Funds can be used on installation, demolition, design, surrounding landscaping and ongoing maintenance of any sign related to the Arboretum.

CSUF Fund ID: 97306
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Arboretum Student Success Endowment

To support student internships, fellowships, scholarships all overall student engagement in the Arboretum.

CSUF Fund ID: 97111
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Archaeology Student Research Fund

To provide an award for Anthropology students who participate in research inarchaeology.

CSUF Fund ID: 30841
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Archaeology-Cooper Center

To support Archaeological efforts within the Cooper Center

CSUF Fund ID: 30804
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Student Affairs
Archers of CSUF

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z136212
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Armstrong-Butcher Conference Attendance Award Endowment

Purpose: to support the Armstrong-Butcher Conference Attendance Award in the Department of Geological Sciences support undergraduate students attending professional conferences and meetings.

CSUF Fund ID: 70029
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Armstrong-Butcher Conference Attendance Award Endowment Distribution

Purpose: to support the Armstrong-Butcher Conference Attendance Award in the Department of Geological Sciences support undergraduate students attending professional conferences and meetings.

CSUF Fund ID: 70099
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Student Affairs

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z135445
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College of The Arts
Art Alliance

Art Alliance is an all-volunteer support group for the College of the Arts'Department of Visual Arts with the Mission to raise and provide funds tosupport gallery exhibitions, exhibit catalogs, opening receptions, art andsculpture acquisitions, and scholarships for visual arts majors; grow sixendowed funds benefitting the Visual Arts Department and administered by theCal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation; provide art education andenrichment activities to members through lectures and field

CSUF Fund ID: 40202
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College of The Arts
Art Alliance Events

To account for income and expenses related to Art Alliance events

CSUF Fund ID: 40260
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College of The Arts
Art Alliance Scholarships

For scholarships only

CSUF Fund ID: 40242
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College of The Arts
Art Department

For use by the Art Department at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners

CSUF Fund ID: 40400
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College of The Arts
Art Department - Ceramics/Glass

CSUF Fund ID: 040400-CG
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College of The Arts
Art Department - Drawing & Painting

CSUF Fund ID: 040400-DP
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College of The Arts
Art Department - Graphic Design

CSUF Fund ID: 040400-GD
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College of The Arts
Art Department - Illustration

CSUF Fund ID: 040400-IL
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College of The Arts
Art Department - Printmaking

CSUF Fund ID: 040400-PM
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College of The Arts
Art Department Creative Photography

CSUF Fund ID: 040400-CP
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College of The Arts
Art Department Entertainment Art/Animation

CSUF Fund ID: 040400-EAA
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College of The Arts
Art Department General Scholarship Fund

For art department scholarships including the Thomas Miller MemorialScholarship, Orange County Fine Arts Scholarship, California China PaintersAssociation Scholarship.

CSUF Fund ID: 40449
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College of Business and Economics
Aruna & Ram Singhania Endowed Student Scholarship

CSUF Fund ID: 10214
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College of Business and Economics
Aruna & Ram Singhania Endowed Student Scholarship Distribution

CSUF Fund ID: 10254
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Student Affairs
ASI Food Pantry

Purpose: To be used for ASI food pantry and any future food banks.

CSUF Fund ID: 95084
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Student Affairs
ASI Leaders Scholarship

Scholarship supporting students in all ASI Leadership in positions.

CSUF Fund ID: 90454
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University Programs
Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty & Staff Association

For discretionary use by the Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Association

CSUF Fund ID: 93101
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University Programs
Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty & Staff Association Faculty/Staff Development

Funds provide support for qualified faculty and staff in helping career development

CSUF Fund ID: 93161
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University Programs
Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty & Staff Association-Scholarship Account

Funds provide scholarships

CSUF Fund ID: 93140
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Asian American Studies

For use by the Asian American Studies Department at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 31300
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
ASME Student Chapter Support

For use by ASME - Student Chapter at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners

CSUF Fund ID: 20304
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Student Affairs
ASME Student Club-Restricted

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-5678
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

To provide operational funding for equipment and expansion of the ASPIRE program

CSUF Fund ID: 70264
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Student Affairs
Associated Students Scholarship Fund

CSUF Fund ID: 93349
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Student Affairs
Associated Students Titan Recreation

To provide funding for A.S. Titan Recreation

CSUF Fund ID: 93360
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Student Affairs
Associated Students-093300

Provides funds for CSUF Associated Students Inc.

CSUF Fund ID: 93300
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Student Affairs
Association for Computer Machinery Student Club

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4061
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Student Affairs
Association for Computing Machinery - Women

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4972
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Student Affairs
Association of Chinese Students

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z135662
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Student Affairs
Association of Latino Professionals For America


CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z132503
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University Programs
Association of Leadership Development Program Members

Funds provide for the continuing education of the Leadership Development Program members

CSUF Fund ID: 96003
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College of Health & Human Development
ATEP Scholarship in Honor of Julie Max, Endowment

To provide scholarships for students in the Kinesiology Department’s AthleticTraining Education Program.

CSUF Fund ID: 80411
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Student Affairs
Athletic Academic Services

For discretionary use by Athletics Academic Services

CSUF Fund ID: 95981
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Athletic Corporate Sponsorship Account

To support and enhance Titan Athletics Sports and Programs designated and/or determine by the Athletics Director.

CSUF Fund ID: 95901
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College of Health & Human Development
Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP)

To provide funds for the Athletic Training Education Program to be used at thediscretion of the authorized account signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 80404
Give to this Fund
College of Health & Human Development
Athletic Training Education Program Scholarship Fund in Honor of Julie Max

To provide scholarships for students in the Kinesiology Department’s AthleticTraining Education Program.

CSUF Fund ID: 80441
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University Programs
Athletics Discretionary

CSUF Fund ID: 99009
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Athletics Hall of Fame

CSUF Fund ID: 90962
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Athletics Training Program

For discretionary use by the Athletics Training Program

CSUF Fund ID: 95982
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Atmospheric and Combustion Chemistry Research

To fund experimental gas phase chemistry research, with applications tofundamental chemistry, atmospheric chemistry and combustion chemistry. Theresearch shall involve the use of laser ionization/mass spectrometry, gaschromatography, liquid chromatography and fourier transform infraredspectroscopy.

CSUF Fund ID: 70262
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College of Health & Human Development
ATP Events Fund

Support of events in Kinesiology’s Athletic Training Program. Proceeds to betransferred annually to ATP scholarship.

CSUF Fund ID: 80401
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Atrium Gallery

For discretionary use by the Atrium Gallery in support of special project exhibitions and publications

CSUF Fund ID: 97601
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Augie Garrido Baseball Fund

Support the Titan Baseball Program by providing support to build the Augie Garrido statue, maintenance of statue, landscape of baseball facility, operations, and baseball/program operations.

CSUF Fund ID: 94090
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College of Communications
Augmentative & Alternative Communication

CSUF Fund ID: 060084-AAC
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Augmentative & Alternative Communication Club

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z332118
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Austin Maleki-Ziaii Foundation

Scholarship funds to support students enrolled in the College ofBusiness Economics.FUND: 07 - SCHOLASHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10152
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College of Education
Autism Education-Core Golf Tournament

CSUF Fund ID: 80702
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Automobile of Southern California Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Global Risk Management and Insuranc

To fund a graduate fellowship in the College of Business and Economics Schoolof Global Risk Management and Insurance.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10039
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Avery Da-An Memorial Scholarship Endowment

To provide support to full-time enrolled undergraduate students pursuing anacademic degree from CSUF with a demonstrated commitment to social justice.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 30029
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Avery Da-An Memorial Scholarship Endowment (Dist.)

To provide support to full-time enrolled undergraduate students pursuing anacademic degree from CSUF with a demonstrated commitment to social justice.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 30149
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University Programs
AVP Development Discretionary

CSUF Fund ID: 99000
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Student Affairs
Award for Innovation in Higher Education

CSUF Fund ID: 95219
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Student Affairs
Award for Innovation in Higher Education Scholarship

Scholarship shall be awarded either to a freshman graduate of SAUSD or an SAUSD transfer from SAC based on academic eligibility and unmet need.

CSUF Fund ID: 95249
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College of The Arts
Bach Yen Scholarship

The proceeds will be used in the School of Music in the College of the Arts in support of the Bach Yen Scholarship. The purpose of the Bach Yen Scholarship will be to distribute an annual award of $1,000 to an undergraduate student with financial need majoring in Music.

CSUF Fund ID: 40081
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College of Business and Economics
Baden Carpenter, Erhard Library/Building Project

CSUF Fund ID: 010820L10
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Bakken Book Fund

To provide scholarships to undergrad students majoring in History.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 35046
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College of Education
Baldwin Family Scholarship

CSUF Fund ID: 085040-BF
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Ballet Folklorico de CSUF

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4249
Give to this Fund
College of The Arts
Bank of America Financial Wellness- Community Outreach Program

Bank of America Financial Literacy Outreach.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 40580
Give to this Fund
College of Communications
Barbara K. Rickard-Riegle Broadcast Journalism Fund Distribution Account

To provide a scholarship for broadcast journalism students; selection criteria:(1) Undergraduate student majoring in broadcast journalism; (2) Citizen ofthe United States; (3) Currently has a 3.25 GPA and a demonstrated financialneed; (4) Completes the scholarship application; and (5) Have excellentjournalism skills.

CSUF Fund ID: 61040
Give to this Fund
College of Communications
Barbara K. Rickard-Riegle Broadcast Journalism Fund Endowment

To provide a scholarship for broadcast journalism students; selection criteria:(1) Undergraduate student majoring in broadcast journalism; (2) Citizen ofthe United States; (3) Currently has a 3.25 GPA and a demonstrated financialneed; (4) Completes the scholarship application; and (5) Have excellentjournalism skills.

CSUF Fund ID: 61010
Give to this Fund
College of The Arts
Barbara Paige Performing Arts Scholarship Endowment

To provide an annual award to a student in the performing arts

CSUF Fund ID: 40017
Give to this Fund
College of The Arts
Barbara Paige Performing Arts Scholarship Endowment Distribution Account

To provide an annual award to a student in the performing arts (majoring ineither Theatre & Dance or Music). The selection committee will be chaired bythe Dean of the College of the Arts.

CSUF Fund ID: 40047
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Barbara Weightman Scholarship

purpose: To provide a scholarship or award to students in the department ofGeography.

CSUF Fund ID: 31141
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Baseball Fund

For discretionary use by the Baseball Program

CSUF Fund ID: 95983
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Baseball Locker Room Renovation

Funds provide for the renovation of the baseball locker room

CSUF Fund ID: 90966
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Baseball Scholarship Fund

Funds provide Baseball scholarships.

CSUF Fund ID: 90930
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Baseball TAC Event

CSUF Fund ID: 95963
Give to this Fund
Baseball World University Games

Raise funds for Titan Baseball to represent the USA at the World University Games in 215

CSUF Fund ID: 95902
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Baseball/Softball Facilities Fund

To provide unrestricted funds for furniture, locker room improvements, maintenance, and operations as directed by the AD and Sr. Director of Development.

CSUF Fund ID: 96980
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Student Affairs
Basic Needs Endowment

Provide endowment earnings for fiscal support to basic needs initiatives.

CSUF Fund ID: 95026
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Student Affairs
Basic Needs Endowment Distribution

Provide endowment earnings for fiscal support to basic needs initiatives.

CSUF Fund ID: 95086
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Begole Archaeological Research Grant

Funds to be used for the survey of the eastern paleoshoreline of Soda Lake,Mojave National Preserve, CA at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners

CSUF Fund ID: 30863
Give to this Fund
College of Engineering & Computer Science
Begovich ECS Quasi-Endowment

Funds may be used to support student projects, faculty recruitment, research,new course development, symposiums, seed funding and overall capacity ofElectrical Engineering (see attached LOI for description).FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 20019
Give to this Fund
College of Engineering & Computer Science
Begovich ECS Quasi-Endowment Dist.

Funds may be used to support student projects, faculty recruitment, research,new course development, symposiums, seed funding and overall capacity ofElectrical Engineering (see attached LOI for description).FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 20089
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Begovich GWPAC Quasi-Endowment

To support the Nicholas and lee Begovich GWPAC. Funds may be used to seedfunding, capacity building, research and scholar recruitment (see attached LOIfor full description)FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 70129
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Begovich GWPAC Quasi-Endowment Dist.

To support the Nicholas and Lee Begovich GWPAC. Funds may be used to seedfunding, capacity building, research and scholar recruitment (see attached LOIfor full description).FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 70189
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Student Affairs
Behind the Scenes: A Student-Industry Alliance

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z132719
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Bellot Research Grant Endow Distribution Acct

To provide an annual award in the amount of $1000 to a qualified faculty withinthe History Department in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences basedon the criteria below:-Faculty must be tenured and employed at California StateUniversity, Fullerton-Preference is given to support new projects that wouldlead to publication.

CSUF Fund ID: 35053
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Benson Endow Dist for Graduate Mathematics Students

This Endowment is for the exclusive purpose of providing scholarships forstudents pursuing a master degree or doctorate degree, who have a cumulativegrade point average of at least 3.0 and who are citizens of the USA.

CSUF Fund ID: 70356
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Benson Endow Dist for Undegraduate Mathematics

This Endowment is for the exclusive support of scholarships for undergraduatestudents in their junior or senior year of their undergraduate studies who havedeclared mathematics as their major, who have a cumulative grade point averageof at least 3.0 and who are citizens of the USA.

CSUF Fund ID: 70357
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Benson Endowment for Graduate Mathematics Students

This Endowment is for the exclusive purpose of providing scholarships forstudents pursuing a master degree or doctorate degree, who have a cumulativegrade point average of at least 3.0 and who are citizens of the USA.

CSUF Fund ID: 70316
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Benson Endowment Fund for Undergraduate in Mathematics

This Endowment is for the exclusive support of scholarships for undergraduatestudents in their junior or senior year of their undergraduate studies who havedeclared mathematics as their major, who have a cumulative grade point averageof at least 3.0 and who are citizens of the USA.

CSUF Fund ID: 70317
Give to this Fund
College of Communications
Bergstrom Family Scholarship Endowment

A five year scholarship endowment to fund scholarships for students withfinancial need. Gift agreement under Richard Bergstrom. Five year $30,000pledge, $5,000 to endowment, $1,000 to annual/operational.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 60117
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College of Communications
Bergstrom Family Scholarship Operating Account

A five year scholarship endowment to fund scholarships for students withfinancial need. Gift agreement under Richard Bergstrom. Five year $30,000pledge, $5,000 to endowment, $1,000 to annual/operational.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 60149
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College of Education
Bernard and Jeanne Kravitz Award

CSUF Fund ID: 085040-BK
Give to this Fund
College of Education
Bernhard J. and Vivian W. Strand Scholarship Endowment

To provide funds for scholarships for students in the “credential” year ofstudies in the College of Education.

CSUF Fund ID: 80014
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College of Education
Bernhard J. and Vivian W. Strand Scholarship Endowment Distribution Account

To provide funds for scholarships for students in the “credential” year ofstudies in the College of Education.

CSUF Fund ID: 80044
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Student Affairs
Best Buddies CSUF

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z181660
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Student Affairs
Beta Alpha Psi

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z135279
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Student Affairs

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4814
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College of Education
Better Together: CA Teachers Summit Account

Unrestricted use for Better Together: California Teachers Summit.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 80090
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Beverly & Arnold Miller Endowed Scholarships in Gerontology

Earnings from this endowment provide scholarships to represent in a tangible public way the existence at the university of this emerging academic program in Gerontology

CSUF Fund ID: 90810
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Beverly Miller University AT User Research Project

A project to demonstrate an interdisciplinary research model for assistivetechnology (AT) user research that identifies older adults' perception,acceptance, usage patterns, and unmet needs in using assistive devices toenhance their daily function. Expenditures are made at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 31460
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Bhagwan Shantinath Program in Jain Studies

to support the Bhagwan Shantinath Program in Jain Studies

CSUF Fund ID: 31080
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Student Affairs
Bickerstaff Family Foundation Graduate Fellowship

To support the post graduate education of CSUF Project Rebound graduates as per gift agreement guidelines.

CSUF Fund ID: 90141
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University Programs
Big Save Scholarship

CSUF Fund ID: 91441
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College of Education
Bilingual Program (BCLAD/Bilingual Supplement)

For use by the Department of Elementary and Bilingual Education to support activities of the bilingual teacher preparation program including administrative support costs, assessment, materials, workshops and scholarships

CSUF Fund ID: 80701
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College of Business and Economics
Bill Doomey Insurance Scholarship

Scholarships onlyFUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10447
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Biological Science Department

For use by the Biology Department at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 70100
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Biological Science Department Scholarships


CSUF Fund ID: 70146
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Student Affairs
Biology Club

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4606
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Student Affairs
Biology Club-095008-4338

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4338
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Biology Greenhouse Fund

For use by the Biology Greenhouse at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners

CSUF Fund ID: 70103
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Biomedical Device Engineering

To support faculty and curriculum development in Biomedical Device Engineering.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 20065
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College of Health & Human Development
BJ Snell Memorial Scholarship Endowment

To honor our amazing colleague and beloved teacher.

CSUF Fund ID: 80118
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College of Health & Human Development
BJ Snell Memorial Scholarship Endowment Distribution

CSUF Fund ID: 80148
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Student Affairs
Black Business Student Association

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4792
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Student Affairs
Black Business Student Association


CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z132811
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University Programs
Black Faculty and Staff Association

For discretionary use by the Black Faculty and Staff Association

CSUF Fund ID: 93000
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Black Family Fellowship Endowment Fund in History

CSUF Fund ID: 30111
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Black Family Trust Physics Research Fellows

To create and support the Black Family Trust Physics Research Fellows in theDepartment of Physics to support faculty mentored research experience.

CSUF Fund ID: 70561
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Student Affairs
Black Student Union

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z132810
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Student Affairs
Bobbe Browning Memorial Women's Center Scholarship Endowment

Earnings from this endowment provide an annual scholarship for a student using or volunteering at the Women's Center.

CSUF Fund ID: 95114
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Boeing ECS Faculty Development Fund

For ECS faculty development at the discretion of the authorized account signers

CSUF Fund ID: 20060
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Boeing Engineering and Computer Science Scholarships

Scholarships for ECS Students (gift from Boeing)

CSUF Fund ID: 20043
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College of Business and Economics
Boeing MCBE Scholarship

Boeing scholarship established to support CBE students who have demonstratedoutstanding academic performance.FUND: 07 - SCHOLASHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10151
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Boeing Scholarship in Geological Science

To provide one $1,000 scholarship to a declared major in Geological Science atthe discretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 70644
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University Programs
BOLD Faculty Mentor

CSUF Fund ID: 92100
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University Programs
Bold Scholars

CSUF Fund ID: 92009
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Bonsangue Family Scholarship

To assist students majoring in mathematics who are the first in their family tocomplete a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

CSUF Fund ID: 70346
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Bonsangue Family Scholarship Endowment

To assist students majoring in mathematics who are the first in their family tocomplete a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

CSUF Fund ID: 70326
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University Programs
Boom Journal

CSUF Fund ID: 97602
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Brandon Nghi Tran Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship issued annually in the amount of at least $1500 per year to a Mathmajor (Per gift agreement, account is to earn interest.)

CSUF Fund ID: 70342
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Brannock Family Psychology Scholarship Endowment

To support travel scholarships for undergraduate and graduate Psychologystudents who present a research project as the first author at a professionalconference.FUND: 08 -ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 31310
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Brannock Family Psychology Scholarship Endowment-031340

To support travel scholarships for undergraduate and graduate Psychologystudents who present a research project as the first author at a professionalconference.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 31340
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College of The Arts
Brite Ideas by Greg and Julie Christy Lighting Design Endowment

To provide scholarships for lighting design students

CSUF Fund ID: 40521
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College of The Arts
Brite Ideas by Greg and Julie Christy Lighting Design Endowment Distribution Account

To provide scholarships for lighting design students

CSUF Fund ID: 40551
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College of Health & Human Development
Broadbent & Browning Scholarship in Counseling

Scholarship for a meritorious student enrolled in Masters of Science inCounseling Program.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 80052
Give to this Fund
College of Health & Human Development
Broadbent & Browning Scholarship in Counseling

05/04/16: Per Tara changed from Endowment "08" to Scholarship "07" untilaccount reaches $25,000. Once account reaches $25,000 will change back toEndowment "08".FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 80022
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Brown Barraza Graduate Scholarship in American Studies

The fund is for a new $1, graduate scholarship to be offered once a year in the fall (application deadline 1/1/) to an American Studies MA student who has completed at least 6 units in our program. The scholarship will be awarded based on a combination of academic talent and financial need.

CSUF Fund ID: 30348
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Student Affairs
Building and Trade Council Endowment

CSUF Fund ID: 95021
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Student Affairs
Business and Data Analytics Club

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z135930
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College of Business and Economics
Business Honors Scholarships

To account for dollars for scholarships for the Business Honors.

CSUF Fund ID: 10257
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Student Affairs
Business Inter Club Council (BICC)

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4436
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College of Business and Economics
Business Placement Center

Funds to provide salary and related benefit expenses for the BusinessPlacement Center Advisor.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10071
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
C.T.& F. Inc. Transportation Studies Scholarship

To fund five (5) $1,000 scholarships to students majoring in either Civil orElectrical Engineering who intend to pursue a career in transportation.

CSUF Fund ID: 20047
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Cal State D.C. Scholars Program

Support for student scholarships and miscellaneous expenses for the WashingtonD.C. internship program. May include event underwriting and faculty expensesassociated with faculty member teaching courses for the program.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 30245
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Cal State DC Program Endowment

Support for student scholarships and miscellaneous expenses for the WashingtonD.C. internship program. May include event underwriting and faculty expensesassociated with faculty member teaching courses for the program.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 30215
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University Programs
Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association Scholarship Endowment

Purpose: To support the ongoing distribution of Alumni Association Scholarships.

CSUF Fund ID: 90139
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University Programs
California Corporate Board Registry

CSUF Fund ID: 97005
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Student Affairs
California Geotechnical Engineering Association

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z134874
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College of Health & Human Development
California Healthcare Foundation Midwifery Scholarship

CSUF Fund ID: 80242
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College of Education
California Retired Teachers Association Scholarship

Scholarships Only

CSUF Fund ID: 80047
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College of Communications
California Scottish Rite Foundation Scholarship Distribution

Endowment for annual scholarship awarded to M.A. students in the CommunicationSciences and Disorders Department.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 60259
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College of Communications
California Scottish Rite Foundation Scholarship Endowment

Endowment for annual scholarship awarded to M.A. students in the CommunicationSciences and Disorders Department.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 60119
Give to this Fund
College of Communications
California State University Fullerton Forensics Distribution Account

To provide operating funds for the CSUF Forensics Program at the discretion ofthe authorized account signers. Reinvest spending distribution until furthernotice from department. Distribution account assigned #60247.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 60247
Give to this Fund
College of Communications
California State University Fullerton Forensics Endowment

To provide operating funds for the CSUF Forensics Program at the discretion ofthe authorized account signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 60217
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College of Education
CalRTA Divison 41 Scholarship

CSUF Fund ID: 085040-CD
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Student Affairs
Camara Absurda

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4352
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Student Affairs
Cambodian Student Association

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4481
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College of The Arts
Camila de la Llata Memorial Scholarship Fund Endowment

Endowment to provide scholarships in the Theatre and dance department.

CSUF Fund ID: 40318
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College of The Arts
Camila de la Llata Memorial Scholarship Fund Endowment (Dist)

To provide scholarships in the Theatre and dance department.

CSUF Fund ID: 40348
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Student Affairs
Camp Titan

Provides discretionary support to Camp Titan, a week-long summer camp benefiting approximately underprivileged children in Orange County. Campers take part in activities designed to introduce them to nature, heighten their self-awareness, increase their confidence, and allow them to meet new friends.

CSUF Fund ID: 93303
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Student Affairs
Camp Titan - Greek Week

CSUF Fund ID: 093303-GRWK
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Student Affairs
Camp Titan Scholarships

Funds provide scholarships for Camp Titan counselors

CSUF Fund ID: 93353
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College of Business and Economics
Campaign for the Mihaylo College of Business & Economics

For Dean’s discretionary expenditures related to the Collegeof Business and Economics resulting from gifts made to The Campaign. Thediscretionary spending should include but is not limited to: CBE programs andactivities; faculty development; capital outlay; scholarships; support of CBEcenters, institutes, and/or councils, student clubs; technology support; etc.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10061
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College of Business and Economics
Campaign for the Mihaylo College of Business & Economics - Computer

CSUF Fund ID: 010061-COMP
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College of Business and Economics
Campaign for the Mihaylo College of Business & Economics - Tile

CSUF Fund ID: 010061-TILE
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College of Business and Economics
Campaign for the Mihaylo College of Business & Economics - Tree

CSUF Fund ID: 010061-TREE
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Student Affairs
CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) Fund

For discretionary use by Counseling and Psychological Services in support of its mental health programs and services for students and consultation and crisis intervention for the campus community

CSUF Fund ID: 95203
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Student Affairs


CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z348939
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Student Affairs
Career Development Center

For discretionary use by the Career Development Center to help students achieve success in developing and implementing career plans

CSUF Fund ID: 95300
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Student Affairs
Career Resource Library

Funds support the Career Resource Library

CSUF Fund ID: 95360
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College of Communications
Carli Christina Cummings Scholarship

Provides funds for a scholarship with the following qualifications:Major or minor in the College of Communications (any of the three departmentsHCOM, RTVF, and Communications); Continuing studies ; GPA 2.5 overall ;Generosity of spirit.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 60043
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Carmen Delphine Bayati Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship will be judged by the History Department Development Committee.Applicant must have been enrolled at CSUF for at least two semesters prior tothe spring semester in which the award is given. Must have completed a minimumof nine units of history at CSUF and must continue to be enrolled at CSUF forthe next full academic year.

CSUF Fund ID: 35043
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Academic Programs
Carol Barnes Excellence in Teaching Award

CSUF Fund ID: 92092
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Student Affairs
Carol Burke Scholarship

Established in memory of Carol Burke, former Titan Student Union Director, funds provide scholarships

CSUF Fund ID: 93342
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College of The Arts
Carol Candlelight

For special event revenues and expenditures related to the annual CarolCandlelight dinner and concert hosted by Music Associates.

CSUF Fund ID: 40105
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College of The Arts
Carol K. Wise Endowed Scholarship Fund in Music

For an annual scholarship for a Music Department student participating in theUniversity Singers

CSUF Fund ID: 40128
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College of The Arts
Carol K. Wise Endowed Scholarship Fund in Music Distribution Account

For an annual scholarship for a Music Department student participating in theUniversity Singers

CSUF Fund ID: 40158
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College of Education
Carr Fellows Endowment Fund

Earnings from this endowment support outstanding graduate students from each department in the College.

CSUF Fund ID: 85016
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College of Education
Carr Fellows Endowment Fund Distribution Account

CSUF Fund ID: 85046
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Carrera Mathematics Scholarship Endowment

To provide an annual scholarship award to an exceptional math student asselected by Mathematics faculty.

CSUF Fund ID: 70315
Give to this Fund
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Carroll D. Craik Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Sociology scholarship in memory of Carroll D. Craik

CSUF Fund ID: 33010
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Carroll D. Craik Memorial Scholarship Endowment Distribution Account

Sociology scholarship in memory of Carroll D. Craik

CSUF Fund ID: 33040
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College of Health & Human Development
CAS International Award

PURPOSE: For use by the Department of Child and Adolescent Studies (CAS) toaward students within the field for their dedication to service, scholarship,and professional development in international (global) settings

CSUF Fund ID: 80203
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
CASECS Restricted Endowment for Scholarships/Progam Support

To provide scholarships to Center for Academic Support in Engineering andComputer Science (CASECS) participants majoring in engineering or computerscience; or to support the CASECS program as deemed necessary by the CASECSDirector.

CSUF Fund ID: 20512
Give to this Fund
College of Engineering & Computer Science
CASECS Restricted Endowment for Scholarships/Program Support Distribution Account

To provide scholarships to Center for Academic Support in Engineering andComputer Science (CASECS) participants majoring in engineering or computerscience; or to support the CASECS program as deemed necessary by the CASECSDirector.

CSUF Fund ID: 20542
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

For use by the CATALYST program at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners

CSUF Fund ID: 70003
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College of Business and Economics
CBE Center for Entrepreneurship

For discretionary use by the College of Business and Economics Entrepreneurship Center

CSUF Fund ID: 10009
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Student Affairs
Cecil B. Thompson Scholarship

CSUF Fund ID: 95142
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Student Affairs
Cecil B. Thompson Scholarship Endowment

To provide scholarship assistance to re-entry students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree.

CSUF Fund ID: 95112
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Cedric Ceballos Men's Basketball Scholarship Fund

Purpose: For Men’s basketball scholarship use. Intent to build towards an endowment

CSUF Fund ID: 95046
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Student Affairs
Cello Council

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z181592
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College of The Arts
Cello General

For Cello Program, for student travel/field trips, supplies, stipends/awards.

CSUF Fund ID: 40088
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College of Business and Economics
Cengage Books


CSUF Fund ID: 10503
Give to this Fund
College of Engineering & Computer Science
Center for Academic Support in Engineering and Computer Science (CASECS)

For use by the Center for Academic Support in Engineering and Computer Scienceat the discretion of the authorized account signers

CSUF Fund ID: 20500
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Center for Academic Support in Engineering and Computer Science (CASECS) Scholarship Account

Scholarships and awards only

CSUF Fund ID: 20540
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College of Health & Human Development
Center for Autism

For use by the Center for Autism at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 80202
Give to this Fund
College of Education
Center for Autism Education Core

CSUF Fund ID: 80801
Give to this Fund
College of Health & Human Development
Center for Boys and Men

For use by the Center for Boys and Men at the discretion of the authorizedaccount signers

CSUF Fund ID: 80602
Give to this Fund
College of Health & Human Development
Center for Cancer Disparities Research

For use by the Center for Cancer Disparities Research at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 80403
Give to this Fund
College of Education
Center for Careers in Teaching

For discretionary use by the Center for Careers in Teaching

CSUF Fund ID: 97006
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College of Education
Center for Careers in Teaching Endowment

To provide general operating and program support for the Center for Careers inTeaching.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 80111
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College of Education
Center for Careers in Teaching Endowment (Dist.)

To provide general operating and program support for the Center for Careers inTeaching.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 80191
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College of Communications
Center for Children Who Stutter

For use by the Center for Children Who Stutter at the discretion of theauthorized account signers

CSUF Fund ID: 60200
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Center for Collaborative Research and Prototype Development (CCRPD)

PURPOSE: Establish and enhance Professional Practice opportunities for allstudents in the College of ECS. Supports implementation of a structuredprofessional practice across all academic departments in the College. Funds tobe used for dedicated faculty and programmatic resources.

CSUF Fund ID: 20006
Give to this Fund
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics

To support the activities of the Center for Computational and Applied (CCAM)Center in the College of NSM.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 70305
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Corporate Reporting and Governance

For use by the Center for Corporate Reporting and Governance at thediscretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10301
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College of Education
Center for Creativity and Critical Thinking in Schools

For discretionary use by the College of Education to support activities of the Center, including basic infrastructure, teacher workshops such as Visual Arts Institutes, Math/Science Institutes, website development & maintenance, seminars, etc.

CSUF Fund ID: 85062
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Economic Analysis and Forecasting

To support the Center of Economic Analysis and Forecasting ResearchFUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10074
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Economic Education

Funding for the following objectives at the discretion of theauthorized account signers: Longitudinal Study of IDA Impact :Researchassistance, Research stipend for 3 faculty, pre and post survey expenses /Teacher Training workshops: speaker stipend, food, transportation for teachersif relevant, materials / Financial Literacy : Intern training and stipend,supervisor expense at participating middle and high school site if needed,materials.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10662
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Economics General Fund

Funds to be used to support the Center for Economics Education at thediscretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10680
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Student Affairs
Center for Employment and Workforce Research

For discretionary use by the Center for Employment and Workforce Research to help gain an understanding of diversity, globalization, generational issues, knowledge transfer and the impact of emerging technology on professional careers for CSUF students and alumni through research

CSUF Fund ID: 95302
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Entertainment and Hospitality Mgmt

To support Centers Industry Outreach and student support.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10162
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Entrepreneurship Foundation Donations

Funds to support special events hosted by the Center for Entrepreneurship.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10109
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Entrepreneurship Scholarship Account

For various scholarships related to the Center for Entrepreneurship.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10046
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Family Business

For use by the Center for Family Business at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10001
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Family Business Endowed Distribution

To support all programs, operations and affiliated students of the Center forFamily Business, at the discretion of the Center's Director.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10073
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Family Business Endowment

To support all programs, operations and affiliated students of the Center forFamily Business, at the discretion of the Center's Director.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10013
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Family Business Special Event

For Special events hosted by the Center for Family Business, apartfrom normal day-to-day operations.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10005
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Family Business Student Support

To support student learning initiatives at the discretion of the Dean(including, but not limited to, staff and faculty assistance with programinitiatives).FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10090
Give to this Fund
College of Health & Human Development
Center for Healthy Neighborhoods Arts For Kids

Support Art Programs for kids administered through the Center for HealthyNeighborhoods.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 80490
Give to this Fund
College of Health & Human Development
Center for Healthy Neighborhoods Student Support Fund

To provide student support for internships, practicums, scholarships, andstudent assistants.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 80049
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Insurance Studies

For use by the Center for Insurance Studies at the discretion of theauthorized account signersFUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10403
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Insurance Studies Development Fund Quasi-Endowment

Funds to support the Center for Insurance Studies.FUND: 08 -QUASI-ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10415
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Insurance Studies Development Fund Quasi-Endowment Distribution Account

Funds to support the Center for Insurance Studies.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10465
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Insurance Studies Endowment Fund

To provide funding for the Center for Insurance Studies forexpenditures including (but not limited to) operations, outreach events,scholarships, interns, professorships, and new programs.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10416
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Insurance Studies Endowment Fund Distribution Account

To provide funding for the Center for Insurance Studies forexpenditures including (but not limited to) operations, outreach events,scholarships, interns, professorships, and new programs.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10466
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Insurance Studies Scholarship Account

For full time CSUF business majors with a minimum GPA of 2.8 and onecompleted insurance or finance course. Recipient selected by CIS AdvisoryBoard, Donor, and Scholarship Committee.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10446
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University Programs
Center for Internships and Community Engagement

CSUF Fund ID: 97802
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University Programs
Center for Internships and Service Learning

For discretionary use by the Center for Internships and Service Learning

CSUF Fund ID: 97800
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Leadership Capital Project

Proceeds will be used by the College of Business and Economics in support of the planning and execution for the Center for Leadership Capital Project. The donor will work with the University on a mutually agreeable appropriate naming opportunity.

CSUF Fund ID: 10590
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Leadership Capital Project Quasi Endowment

CSUF Fund ID: 10820
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Leadership Capital Project Quasi Endowment Distribution

CSUF Fund ID: 10890
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Leadership Development

To develop a program for the enhancement of leadership for studentsand the community.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10163
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Leadership Endowment

Funds to support all Center for Leadership programs, operations, and itsaffiliated students, at the discretion of the Center Director.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10118
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Leadership Endowment (Dist.)

Funds to support all Center for Leadership programs, operations, and itsaffiliated students, at the discretion of the Center Director.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10188
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Leadership Quasi Endowment

Funds to support all Center for Leadership programs, operations, and itsaffiliated students, at the discretion of the Center Director.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10123
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Center for Leadership Quasi Endowment (Dist.)

Funds to support all Center for Leadership programs, operations, and itsaffiliated students, at the discretion of the Center Director.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10193
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Center for Navigation

To support the Center for Navigation in the College of ECS.

CSUF Fund ID: 20091
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Center for Oral and Public History

For use by the Oral History Program at the discretion of the authorized accountsigners

CSUF Fund ID: 30400
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Center for Public Policy Fund

To provide support for the activities of the Center for Public Policy in theDivision of Politics, Administration, and Justice.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 30562
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Real Estate

For use by the Center for Real Estate (RELUI) at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10402
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Real Estate Endowment

To support the efforts of the Center for Real Estate and its affiliatedstudents.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10130
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College of Business and Economics
Center for Real Estate Endowment - Distribution Account

To support the efforts of the Center for Real Estate and its affiliatedstudents.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10180
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College of Education
Center for Research on Educational Access and Leadership (C-REAL) Scholarship Account

For scholarships related to C-REAL.

CSUF Fund ID: 85051
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College of Education
Center for Research on Educational Access and Leadership

For use by the College of Education to support activities of the Center for Research on Educational Access and Leadership including basic infrastructure, research projects, seminars, and website development and maintenance

CSUF Fund ID: 85063
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Student Affairs
Center for Scholars Fund

Purpose: Funds: Support the needs of all scholars groups in the Center for Scholars including scholar-wide support services, emergency funds, center-wide activities and programs.

CSUF Fund ID: 90490
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College of Health & Human Development
Center for Sport Performance

To be used by the Center for Sport Performance to conduct, present and publishresearch and engage in consultation related to improvement of sport performancethrough sub-disciplines of Kinesiology at the discretion of the authorizedaccount signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 80464
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College of Health & Human Development
Center for Successful Aging

To Support CSA community outreach activities and student training

CSUF Fund ID: 80100
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College of Health & Human Development
Center for Successful Aging MOVE for Life Distribution

To support the work of the CSA promoting physical activity and health across the lifespan, with a focus on older adults (Distribution)

CSUF Fund ID: 80183
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College of Health & Human Development
Center for Successful Aging MOVE for Life Endowment

To support the work of the CSA promoting physical activity and health across the lifespan, with a focus on older adults.

CSUF Fund ID: 80113
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Center for Sustainability

to be used to support the mission of the Center. These include facilitatingthe development and inclusion of sustainability-centered topics in theUniversity’s curriculum.

CSUF Fund ID: 31201
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College of Health & Human Development
Center for the Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles and Obesity Prevention

For use by the Department of Health Science at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 80402
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Center for the Study of Human Nature General Fund

To support events such as conferences and pre-conference meetings, workshops, guest speakers, and other activities or education opportunities related to the mission of the CSUF Center for the Study of Human Nature.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 31802
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Center for the Study of Religion in America

For use by the Center for Study of Religion in America to support activitiesand development only, subject to the discretion of the authorized accountsigners

CSUF Fund ID: 31002
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University Programs
Central Development Account

For discretionary use by Central Development in the Division of University Advancement

CSUF Fund ID: 91482
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Student Affairs
Chapman Family Endowment

The purpose of the gift will be to establish the Chapman Family Endowment and annually fund the Chapman Family Distribution Account for current use. Endowment earning swill support scholarship and student support services for scholars in the Guardian Scholars Program at CSUF.

CSUF Fund ID: 92025
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Student Affairs
Chapman Family Endowment Distribution

CSUF Fund ID: 92085
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College of Business and Economics
Charles B. Shellenberger Accounting Scholarship Distribution Account

To provide a scholarship for an accounting major who has completedAccounting 301A and 301B with a grade of "A" and has financial need.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10342
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
Charles B. Shellenberger Accounting Scholarship Endowment

To provide a scholarship for an accounting major who has completedAccounting 301A and 301B with a grade of "A" and has financial need.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10312
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Charles G. Bell Endowment Fund

To support the research and teaching of the faculty within the Division of PAJ.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 30015
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Charles G. Bell Endowment Fund-030085

To support the research and teaching of the faculty within the Division of PAJ.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 30085
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Cheer Team Fund

For discretionary use by the Cheer Team

CSUF Fund ID: 95998
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Student Affairs
Chemistry and Biochemistry Club

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z134818
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Chemistry and Biochemistry Club Fund

To support student activities within the Department of Chemistry andBiochemistry

CSUF Fund ID: 70190
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department

PURPOSE: For use by the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at the discretionof the authorized account signers

CSUF Fund ID: 70200
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Chemistry and Biochemistry Travel Award

The Chemistry and Biochemsitry Travel Award Fund is established to support undergraduate and graduate Chemistry and Biochemistry student travel at $5000/year. A minimum of $2,500 will be available for undergraduate students two times a year - winter/spring and summer/fall. Students can be awarded a maximum of $1,000 each academic year.

CSUF Fund ID: 70186
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Cheryl Carrera Mathematics Scholarship

Scholarship open to returning or continuing students majoring in Mathematics ingood standing with a 2.0 GPA or above in mathematics courses. Donor's intentis to make annual donations to build on her recent gift with a goal of $25,000so her mathematics' scholarship can be endowed. Until that time, $500 of herannual donations will be awarded for a math scholarship, with the rest of hergifts designated to building the endowment.

CSUF Fund ID: 70345
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Chicano Studies Department

For use by the Chicano Studies Department at the discretion of the authorizedaccount signersFUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 30900
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University Programs
Chicano/Latino Faculty Staff Association Expense Account

For discretionary use by the Chicano/Latino Faculty and Staff Association

CSUF Fund ID: 93500
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University Programs
Chicano/Latino Faculty Staff Scholarship Account

Provides funds for scholarships

CSUF Fund ID: 93540
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University Programs
Chicano/Latino Graduation Celebration

Funds in support of the Chicano/Latino Graduation Celebration

CSUF Fund ID: 93560
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College of Health & Human Development
Child & Adolescent Studies Scholarship Endowment Distribution Account

CSUF Fund ID: 81141
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College of Health & Human Development
Child and Adolescent Studies Department

PURPOSE: For use by the Child & Adolescent Studies Department at the discretionof the authorized account signers

CSUF Fund ID: 80200
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College of Health & Human Development
Child and Adolescent Studies Endowment

Earnings from this endowment provide funds for projects in the Child and Adolescent Studies Department including research studies, guest lectures and equipment purchases

CSUF Fund ID: 81110
Give to this Fund
College of Health & Human Development
Child and Adolescent Studies Endowment Distribution Account

CSUF Fund ID: 81140
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College of Health & Human Development
Child and Adolescent Studies Scholarship Endowment

earnings from this endowment provide scholarships for students in the Department of Child and Adolescent Studies

CSUF Fund ID: 81111
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Student Affairs
Child and Adolescent Studies Student Association

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z134786
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Student Affairs
Children's Center Building Fund

Provides funds for the construction of the new campus Children’s Center

CSUF Fund ID: 93361
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Student Affairs
Children's Center Parents & Pals

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4006
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Student Affairs
Children's Centers

Provides funds for the CSUF Children's Center

CSUF Fund ID: 93301
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Student Affairs
Chinese Student Association

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4336
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Student Affairs
Chinese Students & Scholars

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4969
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College of Communications
Chris Dufresne Sports Journalism Scholarship

Sub-account under Communications Department Scholarship 6146

CSUF Fund ID: 060146-CDJS
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Student Affairs
Chris Higgins Endowment for Disabled Students Center

Earnings from this endowment provide support for disabled student services

CSUF Fund ID: 90811
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Christensen Family Men and Women Water Polo Scholarship Endowment Fund

The proceeds will be sued to support the Men’s and Women’s Water Polo Program in support of the Christensen Family Men’s and Women’s Water Polo Scholarship Endowment Fund funding priority.

CSUF Fund ID: 96133
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Christensen Family Men's Soccer Endowment Fund

The proceeds will be sued to support the Men’s Soccer Program in support of the Christensen Family Men’s Soccer Endowment Fund Priority.

CSUF Fund ID: 96122
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Student Affairs
Christian Students

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4540
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College of Communications
Christine Cote? Scholarship

To provide a scholarship in the College of Communications.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 60044
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College of The Arts
Christine Lyon Rhoades Endowed Scholarship

To provide scholarships for new and continuing dance major students in theDepartment of Theatre & Dance.

CSUF Fund ID: 40510
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College of The Arts
Christine Lyon Rhoades Endowed Scholarship Distribution Account

To provide scholarships for new and continuing dance major students in theDepartment of Theatre & Dance.

CSUF Fund ID: 40540
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Christman Family Scholarship Endowment

Earnings from this endowment provide Athletic Scholarships

CSUF Fund ID: 90910
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College of Business and Economics
Christopher G. Schmidt '81 Accounting Scholarship Endowment

The proceeds will be used to establish the Christopher G Schmidt '81 Accounting Scholarship Endowment.

CSUF Fund ID: 10222
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College of Business and Economics
CIS Insurance Marketing Entrepreneurship (IME) Endowment

For use by the Center for Insurance Studies to establish an endowed InsuranceMarketing Entrepreneurship program under a school of risk management andinsurance, at the discretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10417
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College of Business and Economics
CIS Insurance, Marketing Entrepreneurship (IME) Program

For use by the Center for Insurance Studies to establish an endowed InsuranceMarketing Entrepreneurship program under a school of risk management andinsurance, at the discretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10467
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
CIS Legends & Legacies Scholarship Endowment

For use by the Center for Insurance Studies to establish an endowedFor use by the Center for Insurance Studies to establish an endowedscholarship fund under a school of risk management and insurance, at thediscretion of the authorized signers. Scholarship fund under a school of riskmanagement and insurance, at the discretion of the authorized signers.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10432
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College of Business and Economics
CIS Legends & Legacies Scholarships

For use by the Center for Insurance Studies to establish an endowedFor use by the Center for Insurance Studies to establish an endowedscholarship fund under a school of risk management and insurance, at thediscretion of the authorized signers. Scholarship fund under a school of riskmanagement and insurance, at the discretion of the authorized signers.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10452
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College of Humanities & Social Sciences
City Management Fellowship Program

Funds from the account would be used for a variety of purposes related to CMFPprogram costs including student stipends, books and other related material,workshops, conference attendance, professional association memberships, travelcosts, and receptions.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 30580
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

For use by the Civil Engineering Department at the discretion of the authorizedaccount signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 20400
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Civil and Environmental Engineering Design Projects

To support civil and environmental engineering student design projects.

CSUF Fund ID: 20402
Give to this Fund
Student Affairs
Civil Engineering Society

CSUF Fund ID: 095008-4470
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College of Communications
Claire A. Vane TV Scholarship

Open to RTVF majors. Criteria includes: Plans to specialize in some phase oftelevision programming or production

CSUF Fund ID: 60341
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University Programs
Classroom Refurbishment

CSUF Fund ID: 97002
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Clemens Knott Scholarship Endowment

The Clemens-Knott Scholarship Endowment will support undergraduate student(s) in the Department of Geological Sciences attending a geological focused field camp.

CSUF Fund ID: 70117
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College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Clemens-Knott² Scholarship

The Clemens-Knott Scholarship in the Department of Geological Sciences –supporting undergraduate student(s) in the Department of Geological Sciencesattending a geologic-mapping-focused field campus.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 70165
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Student Affairs
Club Softball

CSUF Fund ID: 95008-Z135194
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Coast Soccer League Endowed Men's and Women's Soccer Scholarship

Earnings from this endowment fund scholarships for Men's and Women's Soccer. Scholarships to be given at the discretion of the Director of Athletics, Men's Soccer Coach, Women's Soccer Coach and sports supervisors. Selection is restricted to student-athletes already receiving institutional athletics scholarship aid.

CSUF Fund ID: 90918
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College of Education
COE Book Scholarship

CSUF Fund ID: 085040-CBS
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College of Health & Human Development
Coley Awards for Academic Success and Community Service Distribution Account

To award an HHD faculty whose scholarly work and service contribute towardsimproving the lives of disadvantaged youth. To award a HHD staff member whosignificantly contributes to supporting the mission of the University,demonstrating a student-centered work approach. To award an outstandingstudent majoring in the College of HHD who demonstrates academic promise andthe values of diversity and improving the lives of disadvantaged youth.Reinvest spending distribution until fully endowed. Distrib

CSUF Fund ID: 80048
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College of Health & Human Development
Coley Awards for Academic Success and Community Service Fund

To award an HHD faculty whose scholarly work and service contribute towardsimproving the lives of disadvantaged youth. To award a HHD staff member whosignificantly contributes to supporting the mission of the University,demonstrating a student-centered work approach. To award an outstandingstudent majoring in the College of HHD who demonstrates academic promise andthe values of diversity and improving the lives of disadvantaged youth.

CSUF Fund ID: 80018
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Collections Book Fund

Allows the library to continue purchasing academic materials either in traditional print or through its cost-effective e-book purchasing program as well as building its collection of subject specific databases with the latest publications for student learning and faculty research.

CSUF Fund ID: 97668
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Student Affairs
College Exposure

To support the implementation of College Exposure, a college access program that will provide undeserved students and their parents with access to information and workshops about accessing college and financial aid, and exposure to higher education via experiential programs on the CSUF Campus.

CSUF Fund ID: 95101
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics

For use by the College of Business and Economics at thediscretion of the authorized account signersFUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10000
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College of Business and Economics - Class Gift 2008

College of Business and Economics - Class Gift 2008

CSUF Fund ID: 010000-CG08
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Career Services

For use by the College of Business and Economics Career Services at thediscretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10089
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Dean's Advisory Board

purpose: For use by College of Business and Economics at the discretionof the Dean and as approved by the authorized account signersFUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10063
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Dean's Discretionary Endowment Distribution Account

To provide discretionary funds for the Dean of the College ofBusiness and Economics.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10067
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Dean's Discretionary Endowment Fund

To provide discretionary funds for the Dean of the College of Businessand Economics.FUND: 08 - ENDOWMENT

CSUF Fund ID: 10017
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Dean's Summer Golf Classic

Separate account to track golf tournament income. Fund isunrestricted for the College of Business and Economics. Funds raisedmay be periodically transferred to Dean’s account 10000 or Executive Councilaccount 10066.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10030
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Discretionary Executive Council Funds

For use by the College of Business and Economics at thediscretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10066
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Entrepreneurship Center

For use by the Entrepreneurship Center at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10009
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Executive Council Scholarship

For scholarships designated by the College of Business and Economics ExecutiveCouncil.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10054
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Innovation Fund

For use by the College of Business and Economics Dean at the discretion of theauthorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10002
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Scholarships

To fund various scholarships based on various criteria/selectionprocesses. Scholarship information on file in Dean’s Office.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10040
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College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Scholarships & Awards

To fund various scholarships based on various criteria/selectionprocesses. Scholarship information on file in Dean’s Office.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 10041
Give to this Fund
College of Business and Economics
College of Business and Economics Student Tutoring Center

For use by the College of Business and Economics Tutoring Center at thediscretion of the authorized account signers.FUND: 05 - CAMPUS PROGRAM

CSUF Fund ID: 10008
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College of Communications
College of Communications

For use by the College of Communications at the discretion of the authorizedaccount signers

CSUF Fund ID: 60000
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College of Communications
College of Communications Center for Entertainment and Tourism

Funds to support the development of the College of Communications Center forEntertainment and Tourism in conjunction with the Orange County TourismCouncil, CalTIA, the College of the Arts, Mihaylo College of Business andEconomics, Department of Radio-TV-Film and the faculty of the EntertainmentStudies concentration at the discretion of the authorized account signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 60166
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College of Communications
College of Communications Dean's Advisory Council

CSUF Fund ID: 060000-DAB
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College of Communications
College of Communications Dean's Scholars

To provide a scholarships for the Dean’s scholars.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 60045
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College of Communications
College of Communications Development

For use by the College of Communications for development purposes at thediscretion of the authorized signers.

CSUF Fund ID: 60005
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College of Communications
College of Communications Scholarships

For various College of Communications scholarships.FUND: 07 - SCHOLARSHIP

CSUF Fund ID: 60042
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College of Communications
College of Communications Special Events

For use by the College of Communications for special events at the discretionof the authorized account signers

CSUF Fund ID: 60002
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College of Education
College of Education

For discretionary use by the College of Education

CSUF Fund ID: 85000
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College of Education
College of Education "Honor an Educator" Program

Provides funds to support the College of Education Honor an Educator program wherein donors will have the opportunity to honor an educator through a donation of $5. Each educator honored will receive a large, framed certificate which will indicate the individual honored, the donors name and clearly thank Teacher Created Materials for sponsoring the Honor an Educator program. Funds may also be used by the College of Education at their discretion.

CSUF Fund ID: 85001
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College of Education
College of Education "Honor an Educator" Scholarship Fund

Funded by the generosity of donors who have made contributions in honor of educators who have made a difference in their lives or the lives of their students. Funds provide scholarships for students in the College of Education.

CSUF Fund ID: 85041
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College of Education
College of Education - Founders Wall

CSUF Fund ID: 085000-FW
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College of Education
College of Education ASPEN Project

CSUF Fund ID: 85003
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College of Education
College of Education Community Learning and Literacy Center

For discretionary use by the Dean and Directors of the CLLC to support the CLLC program

CSUF Fund ID: 85060
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College of Education